9 Useful Commands With Linux Bash
- less & more
Tired of scrolling through long text files? Use less
or more
to view large files page by page. Just hit the spacebar to move forward and 'q' to quit.
less path_to_large_file.txt
more path_to_large_file.txt
2. curl & wget
Get web data like a pro with curl
or wget
. Use curl
to fetch a page's content, or wget
to download files directly.
curl https://example.com
wget https://example.com/file.zip
3. grep
When you’re on a search-and-find mission within files, grep
is your trusty companion. Hunt down text patterns in files with ease. grep also supports regular expression and recursive search.
grep "search_text" file.txt
# grep any specific word from file and count it
grep -o "search_word" file.txt | wc -l
4. cut
Need specific columns from text data? cut
is your slicer. Specify delimiters and get just what you need.
cut -d ',' -f 1,3 data.csv
5. uniq
Dealing with duplicates? uniq
can spot and eliminate consecutive duplicate lines, helping you keep your data squeaky clean.
uniq sorted_file.txt
6. sort
Speaking of order sort
rearrange lines in a file. It's your go-to for alphabetizing or numerical sorting.
sort unsorted_data.txt
# sort names from text and remove duplicates
sort names.txt | uniq
7. tr
Need to transform characters? The tr
command's got your back. Whether it's changing lowercase to uppercase or swapping out certain characters, tr
does it all.
echo "Hello, World!" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'
8. xargs
Ever wanted to apply a command to multiple inputs? xargs
lets you do just that. It takes the output from one command and uses it as input for another.
# remove all file with .txt extension
find . -name "*.txt" | xargs rm
# Creating a Directory Structure from a Text File:
cat dirs.txt | xargs mkdir -p
9. wc
cat logs.txt | grep "error" | wc -l
Few Examples
Example 1. Extracting Links from a Webpage
curl -s https://aiborne.tech | grep -o "http[s]\?://[^\"' ]*" | sort | uniq | grep '.png'
Example 2. Generating a Random Password
tr -cd '[:alnum:]' < /dev/urandom | head -c 10; echo
Example 3. Processing JSON Data
Let’s say you have a JSON file containing information about movies, and you want to perform some operation on it.
Assuming your JSON file (movies.json
) looks like this:
"title": "Three IDIOT",
"release_year": 2016
"title": "BATMAN",
"release_year": 2013
"title": "The Matrix",
"release_year": 1999
"title": "Interstellar",
"release_year": 2014
For example, if we want to fetch all release_year values,
cat movies.json | jq '.[] | .release_year'
We want to extract the titles and release years of movies released before a certain year.
cat movies.json | jq '.[] | select(.release_year < 2000) | .title' | xargs -I{} echo "Released before 2000: {}"
Example 4: Want to fetch any GitHub account repo links
curl -s "https://github.com/surajsinghbisht054?tab=repositories&type=source" | grep -o "href=[^: >]*" | grep -E '/surajsinghbisht054/[^\"]*' | cut -d "=" -f 2 | cut -d '"' -f 2 | sort | uniq